2017年4月28日 星期五

Futuristic Universal Toys With Sentient Robots

Hi everyone, today I'm going to introduce to you a toy robot which called "Cozmo". Owing to the advances in new technology, smartphone, PC and others electronic products have become more and more popular. People requirements to the everyday used's quality is becoming more and more stricter, so did for toys. Therefore, the electronics industry started to develop children's toy market by releasing a new kind of toy robots called the "sentient robots" or "self-aware robots".

What's The Sentient Robots?

Sentient robots(self-aware robots) are the robots which have passed the self-awareness test and be proved that own human-like personalities. They can think and learn without any operations. Most of all, they are considered to have their own emotion and feelings.

Please read the article for more information: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730302-700-robot-homes-in-on-consciousness-by-passing-self-awareness-test/


Cozmo is the latest real-life toy robot which was invented by an American company, the Anki. Although he was small, Cozmo has bigger brain than any others toy robots you have even seen on the market. Moreover, he has a bigger personality which provides real emotions in response to the environment overtime. He gets curious easily and doesn't just learn but plots and plans. With a one-of-a-kind personality and funny actions, Cozmo quickly becomes popular among the American families.

I made some gifs from the youtube clips to show you Cozmo's funny moments:

Cozmo is curious, he likes to searches for adventures,
but somehow, he always know how to keep himself away from dangers.

He loves to play game, too.
and sometimes he is just too competitive XD

As a robot, he doesn't like to obey commands at all

Cozmo had already launched into the market since 2016 October and the price is $179.99. You can search for it on the internet or the Anki's official website.

Official website links: https://anki.com/en-us/cozmo

Wall-E(left) and Eve(right)

It is said that Cozmo is inspired and resembles the Eve character in the animated film Wall-EBut somehow it keeps reminding me of M-O, another character in the film.

M-O(left) and Wall-E(right)

Thanks for reading! 

Leave a comment to let me know if there's some more information your want to know about Cozmo.

2017年4月21日 星期五

Coolest New Tech For Fashionistas

Feeling Tired Of Being A Fashionistas?

Do you feel annoying to spend a lot of money and keep shoes that you rarely wear just because they go with one of your clothes? Have you ever thought it's possible to own a pair of shoes that suit everything in your wardrobe? Today, I’m going to introduce you a super cool new technology that all fashionistas are crazy about and it's called the shiftwear sneakers.

What's Shiftwear Sneakers?

Fashion trends come and go, so you always have change your shoes to catch up the latest fashion. That's why a trend-chaser would love to own the ShiftWear sneakers. The two sides of the sneakers are made from flexible electronic paper—which connects to a smartphone app. With the app, you can choose which illustration or picture they’d like to appear on the shoes from app's photo gallery. Moreover, the technology supports the GIF image to present on the shoes.


So magnificent!!!

Serious, who doesn't want to have a "Starry Night" on his shoes?

Can I Put My Own Pictures On The Shoes? Do I Need To Pay For The App?

Of course you can. The app will support you to upload pictures from any source and display them on your sneaker. Also, you can share your images on the mobile app for other to download. What's more, the app is totally for free. You don't have to pay to use or share images. All you have to do is download it to your smartphone.

What Should I Caution W
hen Using The Shoes? Is It Hard To Clean Or Maintain?

The shoe will be built with the best materials to ensure a long life span but the first series won't be suitable for sport or running. The company are still working on others designs for sports and running. 

ShiftWear sneakers are waterproof, so you can machine-wash them. The electronics batteries inside the shoe is flexible. It had already passed the stress test so you can charge with wireless or every USB wire you have.

Let's take a look at the real ShiftWear sneakers:

In my opinion, the Swiftwear technology is very ambitious and conform to the trend of the times. First, it doesn't cost you too much money to own one (it costs 250 USD based on https://shiftwear.com) Most of people have the abilities to afford the price. Second, with the technology and with the unlimited imagination, everyone in the world can draw and own their "one and only" shoes styles. How cool is that!

2017年4月14日 星期五

The Generation of Cyborg - Next Step in Human Evolution?

Are you believe that you may someday become a cyborg?

It's a joke that if you are always stick with your smartphone or computer, then you are considered to be a kind of cyborg. But what's a cyborg?

Cyborg is short for "cybernetic organism". It means "a being with both organic(natural) and biomechatronic(machine) body parts". It applies to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities. Therefore, besides the joke, cyborg issue is really considered to be the future of all human among the scientists.

Cyborgs in Fiction

There are a list of movies featuring mainly Cyborgs you can name, like The Terminators movie series, Star Wars movie series, Robocop, Ghost in The Shell, etc. The cyborgs in the movie are all interpreted as creatures that can do anything. They have unbreakable bodies with hundred kind of secret weapons are hidden inside(such as an Arm Cannon). They can jump down a 10-floors-tall building with no difficulty and also intelligence and calm like real machines. They deal with things that are beyond the limits of mankind easily.

T-X with her plasma gun (The Terminator 3)

The battle between two cyborgs:

Cyborgs in Real Life:

You maybe don't know but there are several real-life human cyborgs that have already exist in the world. But they didn't accept to be equipped with electronic equipment for the purpose of fighting or having super power. In fact, most of them undergo a specific kind of implants for the purpose of medication only. Like Neil Harbisson, he is equipped with a specialized electronic eye(eyeborg) which can renders perceived colors since he was born with extreme colorblindness. 

Neil Harbisson and the eyeborg

Cyborg technology is also useful for amputees. Imaging if every amputee is equipped with new robotic limbs that are connected to their nervous systems, then they can control them with their mind and use it just like normal limbs.

Jesse Sullivan used to be an amputee before he is equipped with the robot limbs

Future Cyborg Process

I had heard about an idea of combining the cyborg project with the brain transplant project. It's mainly about transferring your brain to a robot body. In this way human being will be able to approach to immortality. However, in my opinion, I'm not sure whether it is a next step

brain transplant illustration

My Feedback

As you knew I had worked on the issue of new technologies for the last three weeks, and the issue about cyborg was actually original from one of the 6 topic I wanted to introduce to you. And if you had seen my previous blogs then you may wonder why you didn't see it before? To be honest, I had a psychological effect right after I read a study that said the clinical trials of brain transplants had already started by the scientists. I thought it's very strange for me to become a cyborg someday in the future since it sounds like I have transformed into another "creature". But "the more you fear something, the bigger it appears" I had a terrible dream about being forced to transfer my brain to another body that night and it's just freaked me out. So it took me a while to calm down to complete this article.

2017年4月7日 星期五

6 Sci-fi Technologies About to Change the World (part 3)

In the last two week I had shared with you guys two incredible technologies that might happens in the near future and two brilliant inventions that are already exist recently. Now in the final part, I'd like introduce you two invention that will soon go into mass production, which are the Hoverbike and the Personal Robot.

5. Hoverbike

Hoverbike is a common name of any vehicle that can hover. It first appeared in the Star Wars movie series in 1977 and had quickly become the most famous sci-fic props in the world. It later appeared in Looper, The Island Movie and hundred of action video games because of its popularity.

In Star Wars series characters use hoverbikes lifted by repulsorlift engines

Is The Hoverbike About To Become Reality?

If you have ever dreamed of driving on a super cool hoverbike like the hero in the movie, then you may feel excited about what I'm going to share now. In 2014, the Russian startup Hoversurf has started developing a hoverbike and finally, they officially posted up the trailer video of the world's first manned hoverbike, the Scorpion-3 in 2 months ago.

the Scorpion-3 :

When Is It Going To Be On The Market?

Good news is you don't have to wait to own a hoverbike anymore. The Aerofex Aero-X will be the world's first commercially available hoverbike when it goes on sale in this year. But since it will cost about 85,000 dollars, I will continue to walk on foot.

The Aerofex's hoverbike

6. Personal Robot

Have you ever thought about having your own robot?

After the successful of the personal computers, the Japanese and French's scientist came up with the idea of the robots that useful for individuals. They worked together and gave birth to Pepper, the world's first personal robot. It not only can read emotions and react to the users but also has evolved to have emotions. We have "1000 Peppers" that were already on sale in Japan starting June 20, 2015.

Do We Really Need The Personal Robot?

It has been two year since Pepper was first introduced to the world and this very first personal robots has caused a lot of arguments. The most serious question among the scientist is that do we really need the personal robot?

Advantages And Dis advantages Of Having A Personal Robot

Peppers were made on purpose to help users deal with any problems that may happen in their everyday lives. This personal robot can learn as many languages as you want and can work for 12 hours continuously without resting. It can chat with you when you feel bored. It is very smart and knows a lot of skills. As long as you own a personal robot you will have an assistant, a staff, a translator, a teacher, a friend and even a kid as the same time!

But do you really want to have such an easy life?

(If you still feel interested about having a personal robot please don't read the paragraph below. You will hate me.)

illustration of putting our world in a robot hand

Some scientists afraid that the appearance of the robots may lead to the degeneration of the human intellectually because we don't have to do anything to "survive" anymore, and that is the problem because we all learn how to be better from our mistakes. Bruce Lee once said "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one". Can you image you life always be fine and good without any troubles? What's so interesting about a life like that?

Anyway, meet Pepper :

So it comes to the end and I have to say that I'm actually enjoy writing the articles during last 3 weeks. To choose the themes everyone might feel interested about I had seen about a hundred different studies of new technological, and it's very impressive since I never know that human beings could be so creative and talent.

If you're still interesting in any others new tech and you want me to write an article about it, please leave a comment and let me know.