When I first came to Taiwan, I had noticed
that the Taiwanese, especially the teenagers and the youth, have a strong
belief that horoscope is used as a method of divination. In Taiwan, horoscope
is so popular that I can almost see the information about it in every TV show! This
is new for me because it's not that common in my homeland, so I did some
research about it and why it is so popular.

Analysis of the Characteristics of Horoscope Signs:
The horoscope signs are considered to be pictorial representations of mythological figures (e.g. Pisces are Aphrodite and her son Eros' covers). The twelve signs are divided into four essential elements to which life would not be possible without : air, fire, water and earth. Each of these four elements has characteristics independent to each that the twelve horoscope signs are based upon. We have Aries, Leo and Sagittarius,which are as enthusiastic and aggressive as fire; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are sensitive and emotional just like water; earth is stable and does not change, so do Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius as unpredictable as air.
The horoscope signs are considered to be pictorial representations of mythological figures (e.g. Pisces are Aphrodite and her son Eros' covers). The twelve signs are divided into four essential elements to which life would not be possible without : air, fire, water and earth. Each of these four elements has characteristics independent to each that the twelve horoscope signs are based upon. We have Aries, Leo and Sagittarius,which are as enthusiastic and aggressive as fire; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are sensitive and emotional just like water; earth is stable and does not change, so do Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius as unpredictable as air.
Aries (3/21 - 4/20) : confident, enthusiastic, intolerant
Leo (7/23- 8/22) : leaders, friendly, attention-seekers
Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21) : positive, honest, short temper
Water Signs:
Cancer (06/21 - 07/22) : reserved, eccentric, shut to criticism
Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21) : mind-readers, ambitious, jealous
Pisces (02/20 - 03/20) : romantic, artistic, unrealistic
Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21) : mind-readers, ambitious, jealous
Pisces (02/20 - 03/20) : romantic, artistic, unrealistic
Taurus (4/21 - 5/20) : reliable, patient, stubborn
Virgo (8/23 - 9/22) : analytical, practical, perfectionists
Capricorn (12/22 - 01/19) : focused, snobbish, materialistic
Gemini (5/21 - 6/20) : talkative, adventurous, flexible
Libra (9/23 - 10/22) : creative, diplomatic, easy-going
Libra (9/23 - 10/22) : creative, diplomatic, easy-going
Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18) : entertaining, rebellious, erratic
Why Do So Many People Believe in Astrology?
Why Do So Many People Believe in Astrology?
Do you think people's personalities are affected by their zodiac sign? Or the characteristics of signs just represent you at some specific moment in life? Actually, although there is no evidence to prove that astrology is a science, there are still a lot of people believe astrology is scientific. What's more, most of people don't think that believing in astrology or horoscope is as harmless as the scientists' warning. In my opinion, it's fine as long as you see horoscope as a leisure activity, but try not to judge a person by his or her horoscope signs because everyone is unique. We don't have any two people with the same signs that is exactly the same.
I hope you enjoyed.
I hope you enjoyed.
I think your theme of this artical is interesting!!! Sometimes I will also believe in astrology just because some predictions can represent my feeling or situation at that time, and some of them can be precise. However, all in all, I think astrology can be the information for people to refer, but it can't be absolute.
回覆刪除In my opinion, why people believe astrology is because that the prediction or suggestion according to astrology is always general. People tend to believe the things resonate with them and ignore things which are non sense. However, it is just my personal opinion. Your article also remind me that the Chinese horoscope(生肖). Do you also have horoscope in your country and are there any difference from Chinese horoscope? I hope that you can share with us!
回覆刪除I always think that the characteristics and the suggestion according to astrology are general and unclear, and I considered it as a way of entertainment. However, some people around me excessively care about it, so it sometime annoy me. And thanks for reminding me about the Chinese zodiac. I will share with you guy about it in a couple of weeks later.
刪除I am highly interested in the topic of astrology, but I think if I can predict what will happen in my future, the life would be boring to me. However, astrology is not always precise,and the analysis of constellations can't completely represent every kind of people. Thanks for your sharing. :)