2017年5月25日 星期四

5 Risks that We Must Be Careful Of While Using the Internet

We all know that internet is helpful and convenient. It offers information, news, knowledge and etc. But sometime internet can be a dark and dangerous place for users. Some may use it as a tool to hurt others and some may have the Internet Addiction Disorder unconsciously. So today I'm going to introduce you 4 common risks we might have to look out while using the internet.

1. Lack Of Face To Face Communication

When Internet communication gradually replace talking directly, our personal relationships with friends and family will totally be changed. It is believed that some people who prefer online chatting than talking face to face because it somehow separates them from the real world.


Statistics have show how exactly does internet use lead to sleep disturbance. Some may even found it's hard to sleep without surfing the internet for a while. For the teenagers, who are still at the age of development, insomnia will not only affect their mental health but also their physical growth. Therefore, try to turn off your Internet early tonight and build up a good habit of sleeping early to stay away of many health problems. 

3.Wrong Information

 We all know searching for information on the internet is very convenient since there are many data you can find and use. But most of the information on the internet are not credible enough and sometime are wrong. So the internet sometime will breed the rapid spread of the wrong information and make it more difficult to find the right information. 

4.Spam and Internet Fraud

There are bunch of email messages you don't even know where they come from will require you to click on a link. But instead of leading you to the real login https: site, the link will redirect you to a fake website such as advertisements, pornography, online games and etc. You then be forced to enter your ID and password and your computer information will suddenly be intercepted by the scammers, who later hack and access your account.

5.Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is basically a term to describe the bullying using the Internet. It can be considered as one of the evilest negative effects of Internet. Celebrities or artists are often the victims of cyber bullying. This type of harassment or bullying is safer and easier than physical bullying for there is still not many concrete law to control the problems. Victims of cyber bullying may feel insulted or embarrassed because of the wicked comments or opinions.

Recently, there are online pirates and hackers claim to hack into NASA, icloud , NSA and other organizations if their managers don't pay them huge sums of money. That so you even if the internet is useful, it can also be very dangerous. Therefore, try to find your balance between the internet and the real world to avoid the 5 problems above.

3 則留言:

  1. In recent years, almost every person has one cell phone, and we gradually stop to communicate with people. We sometimes use message to be our device to express our feeling and our thought. It makes people more indifferent.Besides, it also contains many risks when we use the Internet. I agree the topic you wrote this week very much!

  2. I can't agree with all of those five risks you listed above. I think the wrong information should be the one that we should be the most aware of when it comes to collecting information for a school report. We've been all told that Wikipedia is the last website to search for info since anyone may edit it. Internet is like a two edge sword, we shall be using it with caution anytime and anywhere.

  3. To be honest, I am addicted to Internet. The first thing I do after waking up is turning on my smartphone to see if I miss any message. It is a really bad habit and I have tried to give up it in many ways; however, I fail. It is a common problem in modern society, and I think no matter how hard it is, I should figure some ways to stop me from keeping using Internet.
